Home to Me- Jimin Smut

Number Three of the Innocence Series

// #1 // #2 // #4 //

The part 2 ?

Pairing: Jimin x Reader

Warnings: Mommy kink, Dom!y/n, sub!jimin, toys, overstimulation, teasing and shit idk, girl sugar daddy?? sugar mommy??? whatdayacallit

Words: 5,360 (wow that’s the longest smut i ever- wow)

-a little different formatting cause i wanted to use those gifs ^^ and no editing down there watch out 😬

Office days are long. Long enough to drive you quick in temper, heavy in exhaustion, seeking relief only in the aged wine that splashes against one of your fancy glasses. Your shoulders slump in that typical sitting position at your desk, your eyes burn reading over documents and peering into the screen, in a search for the monotonous words that repeat on end. The pins through your hair seem to sting over time, at first unnoticeable, but as the endless minutes tick past, they slowly dig into your scalp, the sensitive strands of your hair seem to weigh down your entire body- maybe even entire existence.

It’s been a long day when you finally return to your flat. Your flat… might as well call it a mansion, it resembles one more than it is given credit for. The modern style, of barren rooms of only cold metal and clean furniture, the expansive glass windows take over the many walls that overlook a bustling city of tall buildings and endless streets. You have taken a liking to paintings of minimalism, the aesthetic look of white, gray and black over your flat, while it may not be homey, the look is pure art. The flat is two levels of your money well spent, expensive trinkets lining impeccably cleaned shelves, glass everywhere-if as a vase, or table top-porcelain china in cupboards, designer brands lining every surface.

But of these many things, there is one that is your prized possession.

That is, and with the greatest emphasis to his name, Park Jimin.

Park Jimin, he is your pet, your play toy, a whiner of a boy with the softest body you’ve ever had against your hands. Descriptions seem minuscule in comparison, a smell couldn’t lead you to the sight, a touch couldn’t lead you to the taste. Park Jimin is of mild features, his expressions vary from pleasure to pain, begging to screaming, love to pure lust. He arches his back off the bed as a plane may take flight from the runway.

One could place labels, on how you got Jimin; lucky, while possibly a good word choice, you aren’t exactly lucky to have him, per-say. It’s more that you’ve earned him. 

Work is distracting, you’re not sure to what exactly he does all day. There are his mind numbing college studies which you know he slaves over for perfection; you know he sings to himself little tunes, he enjoys dancing to music playing through the surround sound speakers. You leave him to his fun, working all day, only to return to bright smiles and pleas of his loneliness over the boring day. With his complaints, that build up and ware at your sensitive side to the younger, you bring home anything he may want. You provide for him, anything and everything he could ever have; rich dinners so his cheeks are plumper, the softest bedsheets so his fists don’t tire when squeezing them to match his screams, toys of fun to trickle unbearable pleasure down his spine, leaving him a wrecked mess. You have him wear outfits that you would have no name for- other than sin, you let him experiment, in all the little fantasies that crawl over his mind when daydreaming. With the expensive foods you bring home, leaving trails of whipped cream down the curve of his stomach to the dip of his hipbones. With expensive leather and lace to decorate his fluff pink thighs and narrow frame. 

There is only fun with Park Jimin, there could be no other, with a person who squeals that loud and begs so earnestly.

You’re lucky to have him, but you’ve worked for him. No one could have Park Jimin without putting in some effort.

You don’t need to call out, once entering the flat, for Jimin to know you’re there.

“Mommy!” he squeals, turning quickly from the other room, feet tapping on the cold floor in little pitter patters.

“Baby,” you coo. You set your things away on the coffee table, slipping from your sharp heels. “Hello dear boy.”

“Mommy!” he only says again, his voice a high pitch and practically screeching.

“Anything wrong?” you ask in your uniformly calm voice, eyes going over his agile and very cute body.

“Yah! No, mommy, I’m fine. I want presents! Did you bring presents?!”

You smile, ruffling the soft strands of his hair, turning away from him to make your way to the kitchen. With Jimin trailing behind you, seeming to match the rhythm of your every step in his own, the kitchen seems a million galaxies away.

You pour yourself a glass of water, though wine would be better to sooth your aching limbs. Why not wine? you think, it’s because Jimin hates the smell and taste of you after drinking the, what he calls, ‘horrible bitter death fake juice thing.’

“Baby boy, I was already late coming home, I didn’t have time.” You shake your head, at apparently yourself, because seeing the disappointment over Jimin’s humble features sends a shoot of guilt and regret through you. Jimin can do that, he makes you want to give him everything.

“Mommyyyyyyyy,” he whines out, the long drawn out word more a note to sing than a thing to mutter. Jimin has a beautiful voice, but you’ve decided a long while ago you prefer it most when begging, pleading, screaming. Though, when he whines, he can really whine, like fucking hell, it sounds like a song.

“I’m so sorry honey, I want you to have so much..”

Jimin pouts, staring at you with doe eyes. You only send him an apologetic smile as you make your way from kitchen to the common room, holding your emptied water glass pointlessly in your hand.

“I want presents mommy!”

“Honey, I can give you other things, right?”

Jimin whines loudly, twisting his fists at the folds of his clothes. “I wanted pretty new sparkle earrings.”

“Until then why don’t you get something else?”

“Like what!?” Jimin screeches, the unknowing of his eyes linger over you.

“Well, there are always the fun activities. You like those, don’t you baby? I could make you feel absolutely wonderful, leave you completely wrecked, huh?” You give a warm smile to his now quivering form. Taking languid steps to him, the ease of your gradual body only making him more tense. “I know how you like me to make you feel good, yes Jiminie? You love my hands on you, the toys I’ve bought that are so expensive..?”

Jimin swallows sharply, maybe he’s intimidated, maybe he’s intrigued. You know how you make him so nervous, you love the power you hold over his head in the possessions that litter his body and his own apartment. You hold power in the things you’ve given him, the things he could never give back.

Taken, that isn’t a good word. He hasn’t taken anything from you, all you’ve done is give. Jimin has learned from you to be bolder, he never asks you for the things you fork over to him, but he knows what you are. He knows how much you have tucked away in bank accounts and through the fine sewing of your clothes. He knows he can whine over the little trinkets he wants when you could give him so much more.

But right now you, sadly, have nothing to place in the soft curves of his palms. And he is left still hungry, in greed, for more.

“I do have some things we haven’t tried out yet, baby. Some things I think you’d like?”

A shiver passes over him, to jerk his body.

“I got us some toys I’m curious about, to do some things we haven’t done before?”

He is hesitant, as always, with his shyness brimming over the edges of his curiosity. Jimin doesn’t exactly nod, it wouldn’t be that straight forward for him, he instead tilts his head just slightly. With a quick blink and his hair falling over his eyes, that is enough permission you need. You smile encouragingly, taking fervent steps away from him and to, instead, your bedroom. 

The walk to your room is luxurious, to say the least; if it’s the shivering boy following your trail, your eyes gracing over the many possessions to lead finally to the one room, or just the pure anticipation you wouldn’t like to admit litters your body in tepid surges of energy.

Jimin never goes into your room with a bored expression. It’s always wonder and need and curiosity. Looking over the cold grays of the wall’s paneling, the harsh light of the lamps at every curve, the clean whites of countertops a refreshing contrast.

“Lay down for me Jiminie,” you drawl, his eyes surprised, though his body obeys. Taking cautious steps to finally sit with the backs of his knees to the bed. You smile at his actions, then turn your attention to the box within your expansive closet. “Eyes closed baby.”

Bringing with you the fancy lace packaging, with strands of rapping dangling in soft pinks, to stand finally in front of Jimin on the bed.

“You can open now.” Your words are contaminated by yet another smile.

Jimin’s eyes flutter to look up at you over him. They then drift down to the mysterious packaging within the hold of your hands. A swallow-gulp really. Then a shifting with curious limbs and the tilt of his head in a silent question, the flicker of his eyes bringing his own silent answer.

“T-toys, right-t?” He sounds so small. 

You nod slowly, fingering the delicate edges of the packaging, eyes inspecting the pretty pastels of its decor and then the pretty boy with pale skin quickly reddening.

“Yes Jiminie,” you answer for him anyway. A gulp.

“W-will I like them?” In his words his voice slowly rises, the pitch reaching impressive heights.

“Well, I do hope so.”

A pause, then evident nod.

“I won’t take it too fast for you, alright dear? I know how you like it slow.”

Jimin, that little Jiminie, he takes in a sharp breath and then nods.

Your hands tangle with the restraints to the package, twisting and tugging until finally freeing the box from the ribbons of decoration. Jimin’s eyes devour your every movement. Next the lid slips away, but only your own eyes take in the toys in front of you.

“No fair!” Jimin squeaks, “I wanna see mommy!”

You only smile, innocently tilting the box to Jimin’s eye level as you watch shock reverberate through the younger. Suddenly his eyes shoot back up to you.

“Y-you want t-this.. for m-me?”

“Who else baby?”

A pause. “…Okay.”

“I know you’ll like them, don’t worry Jiminie,” you pat him on the head, ruffling the soft strands of his hair. “Mommy will take good care of you like always.” 

“One time you said I was a bad boy and you kept on spanking me! I kept shouting at you, ‘no fair, no fair!’ You didn’t even let me cum until it hurt at release.”

“Look who has gotten some confidence.” You chuckle at the angered expression in return. Jimin, when angry, never even looks angry.

“And no more talking, I wanna try these some day.” A groan then another hesitant nod.

Your hand wraps around the first thing and pulling it out from its confinements just makes it even more real in front of you and Jimin. 

A baby blue bow to a hairband. Jimin looks at it curiously, not too taken aback with something similar to things you’ve used before. He takes it from you, his soft hands running over the smooth of ribbon and the cool plastic of the band.

“A bow for my pretty boy,” you say.

He nods.“What else? What next?”

“Lay down for me Jiminie.”

He does, slowly, combing the headband through his hair like you would want him to. It sits in the tendrils of his thick strands of hair, the blue in contrast with his faded brown. He looks so soft, like always, just so pretty.

With him on his back, laying comfortably with crossed legs and a tilted head, you gaze down at him. Blindly, your hand goes to the next object, with the feel of it over your palm a smirk crosses your lips.

“Wanna see what I have next for you baby?”

A nod.

You, quite abruptly, leave the toy in Jimin’s line of vision, his eyes going to the object in your hand, widening in surprise. It hovers over his shadowed features in an almost teasing or taunting waiting. Just daring to be used.

“M-mommy? We’ve never done t-this before..”

“You’re right Jiminie, we haven’t.”

“W-why now?”

“Don’t you want to let mommy have fun with you? I want to have fun with you and I think this-”your eyes dart to the toy- “I think this will be loads of fun.”


“Just trust me Jimin.”

“I do.”

“Then let me make you feel good.” A smile crosses your lips, one that persuades. That smile has won cases upon cases, turning opinions and switching testimonies. That smile leaves Jimin shivering under you and nearly quaking for more. 

You spread his legs, sitting with one of his thighs between your own. With the first toy in your hand and keeping fierce eye contact, you take your time to raise your hips slightly and grind. It’s teasing yourself, making your already worn patience seem to rip. Your hips go down on the soft thigh clad in sweatpants as it, in turn, grinds back up against you. Jimin whines with the motions you elicit, your sensitive core through even thick clothing getting aggravatingly attacked with rare pleasure.

“Mommy, please.”

“Please what,” you pant out, “Jimin?”

You don’t stop, forcing yourself harder against his legs, hands planted at either side of his already flushed cheeks. Looking at him under you like this, when fucking it’s always shut eyes trying to hold back the faintest breathy moans. It’s not often you get a clear view of your pretty Jiminie blissed out and desperate and hot. Looking at him like this, it makes your stomach twist. Not with lust, which you have plenty of already, but in thick love. And, of all things, a sudden urge (more of a kick) leaves you wanting to kiss Jimn. 

You rarely ever kiss Park Jimin, you ‘kiss’ him for show at galas and outings of the sort, when you’ve dressed him up in tailored suits and have eyeliner rounding the curves of his eyes. When it’s then it’s so your other colleagues are jealous and their eyes have pent up need brimming at the corners. But you don’t kiss Jimin. Not tongue on tongue, with heat pulsing through your veins at every touch, every exploration, the soft crevices of his mouth enveloping your own, breathless with spit stringing between your lips. No, you don’t do that, you’ve never much cared for that sort of thing.

Sure, Jimin will sometimes be begging and whining and will literally not shut up, maybe then he wants you to swallow away his noise with your lips smothering his, and maybe, maybe, you’d want that to. But going too intimate, even if you do love him, is just too much feeling in what should be something so simple as pure instinct.

But right now, despite the rest of your standings, you really want to kiss Park Jimin.

And so you do.

You let your hips still in their frantic search and need for stimulation, instead dipping your head promptly to Jimin’s. You let your lips gently brush over his, the ghost of a touch leaving Jimin tilting up for more of the unfamiliar feeling. Lips tangle, leading to open mouths and tongues and heated panting that has your lungs gasping and mind spinning. The heat of him is intoxicating, choking, the touch of him is all soft brushes of something; never quite enough for your fill, but always so strong in their faintness.

Finally tugging away, your eyes go over the younger, left wrecked beneath you.

“Wanna try the toy out now Jiminie?”

Still in a daze of aftershocks to the unexpected kisses, he only gives a curious nod, which sends you smiling brightly.

“So, so much fun. I promise you.”

 “B-but mommy?”

“Yes dear?”

“How is a vibrator gonna be any fun for me?”

You smile at his innocence, you almost laugh completely. You don’t. You only shake your head with a fond expression, leaving him with no answers. Reaching into the bag you pull free a tube, Jimin looks over it curiously and then a shoot of recognition shoots through him so his eyes bulge and mouth falls agape.

“Mommy! Lube?!”

“Yes baby, this is gonna be so much fun.”

“Mommy!” he shouts back, his face still so stricken your smile at him. 

“Don’t worry babe, just open your legs and don’t worry.”

Your hands take the hem of his sweatpants and pulls them down abruptly. Fingers rough over his sensitive thighs, winding to knee, past, and off completely. You bend over him farther, groping at his shirt and pulling it up to let it tangle with his bow and then off. 

“Such a precious little boy.” You let your mumbles spill into his chest, where your lips trail in appreciation. Over his toned chest and soft stomach, always so soft and pretty. Your lips are harsh in contrast to such easily markable skin, and like always to your lips, Jimin whines. Fucking whines, not deep enough for a moan, too needy for a sigh. No, a whine. It only urges you on, to suck marks into butter skin, to leave him shaking in a bruised body in shapes of your lips.

“Pretty bruises match your skin best Jiminie. No clothing, if lace, silk, anything. Not anything could compare.”

He whines out, “mommy!”

“Growing impatient?”

“Yes.” He says this definitely, a edge to his voice of childish stubbornness.

“Okay, okay baby. No more time waisting, right?”


“Right okay. So, you’re ready for this then?” You motion to the pastel pink vibrator in the hold of your hand. He nods with a pout.

Your hands go to his only remaining covering, the tight underwear with his almost obscenely obvious erection pushing at the restraining fabric. You lick your lips without hardly even noticing, the sight sends shivers down your spine to trickle over your own now annoying panties. 

Hands, now more gentle, tug away Jimin’s underwear so the loud sound of skin on skin slaps over the large echoing bedroom. Jimin’s short and thick cock so hard it’s practically straining, over his abdomen in flushed red anticipation. 

“Baby Jiminie, you’re so pretty and wet for me, yes?”

“Yes mommy. I always get wet for you,” he answers. 

Your hands can’t hold back any longer, going to let your fingers run gently over the underside of Jimin’s shaft, tracing his prominent vein until teasing at his head. Jimin bites at his lip in response, watching your hand’s administrations on his victim of a body. You, not so mildly, massage at his slit, precum bubbling and dripping from it and down his length. The sight is pure crack. 

“I want to try the other toy first dear.”

Jimin shakes at both your words and your hand moving away from his desperate need. Your hand instead goes over the other things in the package, until landing upon your desire. You pull it out and don’t waist time at introducing it to Jimin. Instead you abruptly shove it on him.

“F-fuck!” It’s rare that Park Jimin curses, and when he does it means something. You look up at him with eyes lidded in lust. The gaze he returns is one of pure sexual frustration; his eyes nearing tears, his face red. 

“Do you like it Jiminie?”

“it’s a-” he chokes on a whine and shutters. “it’s a fucking blowjob toy. It feels like I’m fucking something.”

“Do you like it, Jiminie?” you repeat with a hum. His eyes flutter open to fully aware and he gives the slightest nod. So you start to move your hands. The toy takes all of his cock in, tight and massages over his length in agonizing strokes. You let the toy ride slowly up his length, stoping only until his head is the only of him left in, then you shove the toy down, hard. You let it stroke down his length, full force, and his whole body flinches as his deep, guttural moan explodes. You repeat over and over, letting the toy fuck him into the bed, his head tossed back and eyes shut excruciatingly tight with the grit of teeth on teeth. 

“Fuck the toy Jiminie.”

“W-what-?” he chokes out frantically, you shoving the tightness down once again, his cock so achingly hard it’s a complete burden on the rest of Jimin’s senses. 

“I said, fuck the toy, Jiminie.”

You hold the toy in place, suddenly halting your once harsh movements. The suddenness of the stop leaves the younger beneath you sobbing for more. Finally, after moments of catching his staggered breath, your words finally register. Jimin’s hips stutter, then finally find their pace, going up. They go slow and hardly steady at first, then pick up on a more satisfying pace to set. With his legs spread wide, Jimin thrust up into the tight confinements of the heavenly toy, its gripings on his cock both satisfying and torturing in such strange ways.

“M-mommy, oh god mommy!”

You’ve been simply watching him play with himself like this, the sight obviously enjoyable, but the need in the pit of your stomach somewhat of a detraction.

“I think-t-think I’m g-gonna c-cum-m?”

You smile with your hand pulling the toy immediately away. The cry that chokes out of his throat is so real it makes you startle, with his release so close, nearly on the tip of his tongue, nearly tasting it, Jimin lays unable to catch his breath and tears streaming down pretty, round cheeks.

“I’m sorry baby, but I have other plans.”


“This is for not bringing you home anything, right? Won’t you let me make you feel good?”

“Y-yes, but-”

“No, baby, no buts.”

His breath staggers back, choked in his sobbing, his back arching off the bed, his hands daring to receive him of his horribly aching problem. 

“No touching either, Jimin.”

“Please, mommy, please. It hurts so much, please, I need you.” 

Your hands find the lube and vibrator again, leaving Jimin both wide eyed and speechless. 

“Don’t look so scared dear, this will be- just trust me here.”

He nods but only in your words, pushing away the nervousness. Your fingers flip the cap, drizzle the liquid over the pink toy (which is decently small). You crouch between Jimin’s wide legs, nudging at the back of his thighs for him to sit slightly up for greater access to him. Your eyes take in the sweet sight of his puckered hole clenching in anticipation. At first, you tease the tip of your finger over his rim, pouring a generous amount of lube over both your finger and Jimin’s hole. Only the best for your little boy, after all.

His whole body freezes at the push against him, the tip of your finger slipping in nicely. You pause for him to be okay, he gives the faintest whine. You push farther, past your first knuckle, moving slightly against his tightness, letting the stretch be gradual and comfortable for the squirming boy beneath you. You wait for another whine, which he gives (faintly of course) and finally your first full finger is in. He squirms against the stretch, adjusting to the foreign feeling of feeling oddly…full.

“I can do more, your second finger mommy,” Jimin says, his voice high but more commanding and confident than usual. You smile to yourself, eyeing up the sight in front of you, licking your lips. You nod, to only yourself. Teasing your second finger over his rim until he’s squirming and actually begging for more of you in him.

Of course you’d do anything for your pretty Jiminie. So small under your touch, so tiny and helpless. His voice of all things gets you the most, the little bursts of urgent, whiney noise, always high pitched and hitched breath. 

With two fingers nicely fitted into him, new lube dripping over his hole to ease him through it, Jimin starts his incessant cries. “Please, please, please mommy! Just please! I need more! Move, or fuck me with the vibrator, I don’t care! Just please give me something! It hurts mommy, it hurts so bad, please help!”

It goes on.

You get the jest. Pushing your fingers harder into him, adding in a third to the mix, and starting your thrusting. It at first only elicits loud cries and squirming from the younger in pain, he both begs for you to continue and for you to stop. You compromise with going a little slower.

Scissoring his hole, letting your fingers spread him in his tight heat, touching over every surface of him inside, curling and teasing. And then, well, you go harder to get to his prostate. 

“Fuck! Oh, fuck! Mommy! Holy shit, shit, shit! Mommy, oh my god, it feels so good! Mommy!”

You start thrusting your fingers to the place, that cluster of heaven within him, and he is sent back, reeling.

“Yes! Yes, fucking right there, yes please! Mommy right there!”

“You’re doing so wonderfully for me Jiminie baby,” you coo. He writhes in your touch, wrapping his heated, sweaty thighs over your shoulders and his elbows digging into the soft bed.

“Are you ready for more honey?”

“Yes, yes I fucking am.”

You withdraw your fingers entirely, moving to grip at the slick vibrator just waiting. Jimin eyes it from his position, now lost his fear, replaced with eager need. You smile to yourself, sure to tease him over this whole situation later. 

For now, well, you place the head of the toy at Jimin’s stretched opening, slowly letting it slide in, not too excessively larger than three of your fingers. Jimin just moans. For a long fucking time. You wait, his eyes finally slipping open in a flutter of eyelashes and a daze of pure ecstasy. 

“On?” you ask.


You flip the switch, with the toy fully in, and it turns to life, which means Jimin’s decent into madness. He becomes a desperate heap of pleasure before your eyes, his sweaty fringe of brown hair plastered over his features, his mouth wide in incoherent moans and words and just sound.

He lets the toy tear him apart, until nothing but pieces of a human. The toy hitting at his favorite places, sending shots of almost unbearable energy through his tingling spine and sensitive blood.

“Oh- mommy! Ahh, ahh I’m g-gonna, god. I’m gonna c- gonna c-cum-”

“Go ahead baby,” you whisper, your voice alluring and sensitive. His fist tighten on the sheets, back arching so sharply it cracks. His mouth is open in a string of helpless gasps and pleas. The string of thick cum to shoot out in ropes hits his chest and chin, coming in heavy waves of pleasure at their release. You watch, your hands finding their way to stroke Jimin through it. He tenses at the sensitive touch, but lets your palm pump at him until his orgasm passes, only lingering, faint feeling so drowning pleasure remain. 

Jimin lets out a breath, for once it’s a full one. His eyes are droopy in sleep, you watch him become so exhausted, even in his own mess. But you still don’t release your hold on his cock, now soft and so sensitive it hurts just to be touched. Jimin whines at such contact, eyes finding yours, looking so desperate for sleep.

“I’m not done Jimin.”


Your hand picks up pace, going up and down his length, no matter his errant protests that sound both tired but also urging you on, you continue. He throws his head back in both his own exhaustion and pleasure. You don’t waist time though. You strip of only your tight pants, and move to rest on Jimin’s sweaty, sticky thighs. Slipping from your panties that are, by now, throughly soaked in need, you stroke at Jimin’s cock until he’s painfully hard again.

“M-mommy! Why? I’m so sensitive, ahh, it- mommy!”

“Relax Jimin.”

You sit up, letting the head of his cock position with your opening, and slowly let yourself lower. Taking in his cock is always such a heated experience, the thick feeling of him inside of you, the helpless whines that escape his choked throat in contrast to your only heavy breathing. You sit now entirely on him, entirely filled by him, and sigh a breath of relief, only to raise yourself up and slap back down. The sound is outright inappropriate. Jimin’s eyes are closed in pure concentration, enduring both the pleasure and pain of you taking him like this.

You don’t care much for lingering with worry, by now all you want is release. You raise yourself up, back down, the feeling of him moving against you nearly stealing your breath. Repeat, repeat, until, you’re both silently panting, even he is desperate. 

“Park. Jimin. You. Feel. So. Good.” With each bounce of you on him, your voice rings out through your empty room. 

“Mommy.. I think I’m gonna..uhhhh, ahhh.” You raise your hips up higher, letting your clit tease at the head of Jimin’s head, before letting yourself ruthlessly slam back down.

“Not yet baby.”

Jimin stutters in responce, eyes wide looking up at you. You still your hips, hands groping the bed sheets until gripping at the vibrator once more.

“M-mommy..? You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I am Park Jiminie. Deadly serious.”

With a smile you don’t let time be waisted, shoving the vibrator abruptly into the younger beneath you, his breath being stollen. You flip the switch, letting the sound of the electronic fill the room mixed with the resumed sound of skin of skin. Slamming yourself onto Jimin’s cock as he’s fucked senseless by the toy is something else; his eyes shut until you see blood vessels pop at the corners. He is screaming silently, the softness of his cheeks stained in overflowing tears of overstimulation. His whole body pulses with the vibrations of the toy in him. He’s a moaning mess all over again and you’re just here for the, literal, ride. 

“Are you gonna cum for me Jiminie? Cum twice for mommy because you’re such a horny little boy?”

“Y-yes mommy,” Jimin whines out in reply. He arches, letting his cock go deeper into you, and the toy farther into him.

You nod, holding back a moan that threatens at the edge of your lips, “go ahead baby.”

The feel of his thick, hot, still abundant seed spill into you sends you reeling. Arched back, neck thrown far and tight, hips stilled, the waves of your orgasm pass through your body. Jimin shivers under you, practically begging you to get off of him, which you do. His bow has been knocked off by now and is somewhere you can’t bother looking right now. Turning off the toy, and carefully letting it slip from him. On shaky thighs you let yourself collapse in a heap beside him. The maid will take care of the mess sometime when they have energy to even move. 

“So how about you bring me diamond earrings instead of making it up to me if you don’t?” Jimin asks, though his voice his horse, he still lets out a giggle.

You smile, pulling him close to you, feeling the dirtiness of sex wash over you, but for right now you can bare. You place a lingering kiss over Jimin’s forehead.

“All the diamonds for you, Jiminie.” Voice only a mumble with sleep taking greater control of you. 

well ok i literally just wrote that in one sitting cause i haven’t been posting enough lately (s o r r y) i hope u enjoy!! and yes I’m making it a series now, so all members will have a fic as sub!!

Lessons- Taehyung Smut


Pairing: Fuckboy!Taehyung x Reader

Warnings: Quite rough, slight force, underage, public

Words: 1,968

-This literally took so loNG IM SORRY ANONNIE STILL LOVE ME PLS :0

Your backpack ways you down, walking through the halls, your feet wobbling, shaking in your nervousness. The stupid backpack doesn’t help, it just throws you off, struggling to keep your balance. The books you had packed are anything but light, they dig through the fabric of your shirt to stab you in the shoulder blades.

The hours pass by in a flash. Well, no exactly in a flash, mostly things are just confusing, not that they’re going by quickly. Teachers call you the wrong name or pronounce it wrong, your books slip from your locker to echo across the halls, your outfit doesn’t fit as well as you thought it would, it is tight and itchy and makes you twitch. Things aren’t going the best, but not the worst either. 

And then there’s the nuisance that is Taehyung. 

He is the kind of boy who walks slowly, he doesn’t take his time in rushing, he leisurely strolls through the halls. In the short time you’ve been at the school, you’ve gathered a certain amount of facts about him, each one making you more suspicious. The way his shoulders sway with each stride of his slender leg; the way he tilts his head in class, eyes going from the teacher to his work, then back again; the sly kind of smile playing on his lips when he looks over you in his passing by. He isn’t the type of person to play off his glances, his looks linger, they stay with you even after he’s gone. Because they aren’t just looks, when his eyes meet yours- or go over your body, or even glance in your direction- they send this cold shiver down your spine. 

Taehyung is the kind of boy who is beautiful, in an evil, painful way.

His friends seem quite shady. They’re always wrapped around different girls, always teasing each other over paying attention in class, always sending echoes through the hallway with their loud shouts. Taehyung will be laughing during lunch, his mouth boxy, lips tight and his eyes sparkling. He doesn’t seem like the kind of person to always be fooling around.

Walking down the halls, you don’t even notice him behind you. Not until he’s pushing at your shoulders until your back is against the lockers, and flustered looking up at him.

“W-what are you doing?” you ask, paralyzed with him so suddenly close, evading your every sense. His eyes drill into yours, tongue sliding over his bottom lip.

“Just introducing myself.”

“Aren’t you suppose to say your name then?” you ask, though you are quite intimidated by his hight and arm beside you head, the looseness of your limbs is returning. 

You already know his name, you’ve heard the teacher address him as Mr. Kim to the rest of the class, you’ve heard it echoing through the halls from the mouth of one of his friends. It’s one of those names that just keeps bringing itself up no matter what the discussion at hand. 

So yes, you know his name, but you want to hear him say it.

Tae looks at you, pausing with his mouth slightly open, his words waiting to escape. “I am Taehyung.” The way he finishes what he says so clearly, so matter of fact, with his voice deep, his diction impeccable, you can’t help but stare in wonder. You look at him, and you can’t seem to stop.

His eyes eat up your lingering gaze, you can tell how he loves the attention, a small smile of warmth crosses over his features, slowly he brings is arm down.

“And your name then?” he asks, but he doesn’t wait for an answer. He tugs at your wrist with such sudden urgency you could swear there was a fire alarm going off that you somehow don’t hear.

He pulls you down the halls, and while you might flush with embarrassment for everyone seeing you on display, Taehyung seems to enjoy their eyes left curious. The sounding bell of lunch goes off, the crowd becoming thick with warm bodies crowding your own. Some eyes fall over you, still being dragged by Tae, but with all of them eager for food and talking, your slight distraction is forgotten easily.

By the time the two of you make it to Tae’s destination- an empty classroom for computer programming- the quiet of the school is surrounding you both. A faint whisper of noise goes through the many walls from the cafeteria to where you stand.

“We’re much better here, don’t you think?”

You swallow sharply- his presence, his smell, his eyes, everything about him- he is just too much. Your insecurity- of being so new to this school, and having such a disastrously pretty boy before you- tightens its grip in your stomach. Not even the far off voices of your fellow classmates offers a distraction to ease your boiling blood.

It’s only you and Tae. Only him.

“Much better to do what?” You ask this, the possible answers seeming vast, and yet one thing he might say swims over your mind. No, it couldn’t be, we just met.

A smirk falls over his lips as your only response.

He takes a step, another, coming forward to you, “you know, I’ve been thinking about doing this to you since you got here,” he says, that same smirk still over his lips, he’s like an animal circling its pray.

“Doing what?” you ask. His lips slam against yours, forming as his only answer. At first your eyes are wide with astonishment, Taehyung is kissing you? How could that be? But as his lips go hard against yours, tongue licking at you, fighting for entrance, the ramblings of your mind are forgotten. You are only lost in the heat of his kiss, his strong arms surrounding you and pulling you closer yet.

The sloppiness of his kisses is obvious, in how salvia goes over your chin and over his, how he sucks at your bottom lip and his tongue goes wild over your own. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just means he doesn’t care very much.

“I’ve been wanting to do a lot of things,” he groans in-between incessant biting at your lip. His lips travel from your panting mouth to suck at your jaw, neck, collarbone. He pauses shortly at each spot, leaving behind bruises in the shapes of his mouth. 

“I’ve been wanting to touch you,” his hands go over your hips, “I’ve been wanting you to touch me,” his hands go to the buckle of his jeans, “I’ve been wanting to know what you’d be like.” 

He pulls his mouth away from your flushed, abused skin, looking over his work in a pleased manner, then looking over you with a seductive smile.

“Will I get the answers to all these question?”

You have no reply, not a syllable to form on your lips. Too flustered by his actions to give him coherent responses.

“Well then, we’ll just have to see.”

Tae takes hold of your waist, forcing you down to the ground. On your knees, you look up at him standing in front of you, that smirk waring away at his angelic features. He hastily moves to undo his jeans completely- the button, the zipper, the jeans going down his thighs, pooling at his ankles- his boxers forming a tent. Your mouth waters at the sight, you don’t really know why, but whatever he wants you’re very intrigued. His hand goes over the clothed erection slowly, teasing himself, causing you to get frustrated with him.

“T-Tae… what are you doing?” you ask. 

He just pulls down his underwear, his cock inciting in its largeness, eager with precum dripping from the slit and down his long, pink shaft. He is now so close the heat from him spreads heat through your core, making you embarrassed in the wetness soaking through your panties. 

“Come on, I can’t stand here forever just waiting,” Tae says impatiently. You pause a moment, gaining composure, and looking down at you he smiles. “New to this? I’ll help you out then.”

He takes his hard cock in his hand, shivering at the contact of his own touch, and slowly starts to pump himself. Shallow, dry, slow pumps that aren’t nearly enough for him, he shows you in the pace and rhythm of it. You watch, licking your lips, straitening your back in attention.

“Are you ready now?” he asks, a bite of annoyance to his words. You try to ignore that, and focus on what he wants you to do. You’re not entirely sure of the details, but you slowly take is hot cock in your hand and lower your lips to take in the head. You suck at it, then slowly lower yourself to take in more and more of him. You can just reach his base when his head is poking at the back of your throat. Tae moans messily, his cock almost choking you, its thickness hard to endure. You feel a greater warmth spread over your crotch, you have to squeeze your thighs together to contain the lust and arousal from him.

“Mhmm baby,” Tae mumbles in long, raspy moans, taking hold of your hair roughly in his fingers, threading them through the strands and tugging painfully. You don’t really know what to do, you sit there with his cock in your mouth, moving your tongue around it. He helps you in that. Taking your hair he starts to thrust your head down on his length, face fucking you with loud, guttural moans of approval. You fall completely weak with his use of your mouth.

“Suck harder,” he commands, keeping up with his thrusting, but your lips too loose around his cock. Taehyung wants you to really suck on his cock.

You try your best, wrapping your lips around him tightly, hallowing your cheeks and taking as much of him in as possible. Your tongue stroking over his shaft, twirling over his slit to make him toss his head back with shut eyes and an open mouth.

“Very, very good.”

His words are lost in the continues movements of his hips into you. Tae’s pace weakens, falls out of rhythm, that release waiting to burst from the pit of his tingling stomach. You take the initiative, moving your head, up and down, a bit more forcefully, making him cry out in surprise. Deep-throating him one last time his cum spills down your throat. You pull back hastily, it dripping from the corners of your mouth and over your clothes. Tae watches you with hooded eyes, body convulsing with his orgasm passing through him, leaving him spent.

You stand, the wetness between your legs quite irritating. He looks over you, sensing that still wanting lust. “Do you need to be taken care of?”

You are shy, wiping away the last of his cum, and just shrug in return. He smiles, his hands going to your shirt. He slowly goes over the fabric, and slips under, his hand over your bare stomach, and then to your bra-less chest. Fingers going over your breast, at first gentle, and then prodding at you in painful roughness. His fingers take your hard nipple, twisting it until your back is arching, panties throughly soaked, a moan letting out.

Tae leans real close to you, his breath caressing the side of your cheek, “I bet you want to feel good, huh?”

You nod urgently, eyes shut, searching for more of his hand on you, to wreak havoc on your senses.

“Well too bad then.”

And he’s gone, his hands off of you, his clothes fully back on, he’s all put together, standing before you, a playful smile crinkling his eyes. Tae nods his head at you and takes a step from the room, leaving you there. 

Looking down at yourself, your shirt out of place, stained from that little weasel’s cum. You can’t believe this. 

You’ll just have to punish him the next time you two cross paths.

*climbs into hole bc y was that so terrible* -REQUESTS ARE OPEN FOR MEMBER x MEMBER OR Y/N- sorry that request was so put off but i wasn’t infired :/

Come Here- Namjoon Smut


Pairing: Namjoon x Reader (bc anon didn’t specify Y/N or another member)

Warnings: Daddy kink, kitten kink, dirty talk, teasing, and foreplay

Words: 3,969 (ok wait what)

-i haven’t been writing enough intense smut, so enjoy ur smutty smut smut ^-^ I’m just over here slowly working through my requests..    save me

Now, this was a predicament. He’d be home in mere minutes and you hadn’t done the one thing he asked of you. A simple request you had failed to carry out, stupid, stupid you. How could you be so lazy with your time? Forgotten? Really? He’d be so displeased. He’d… punish you. 

In the worst way you knew possible. 

In the way he’d make you beg, and wait, and he’d just continue to tease you and he’d leave you to whine and squirm for him. He loved how you did that, he loved how you could go so absolutely insane for him. 

And why wouldn’t you? Your daddy was always so good to you, but in the worst ways. In how he’d do such wonderful things to you, but never give you enough. Never enough. Tormenting, torturing, playing, fooling you. You both love and hate him for that. 

A simple request. A simple task to carry out. Yet, you had forgotten.

“Wear these pretty items I bought you,” he had said to you earlier, in his deep, commanding voice. You had nodded, eyes wide. “I want you in them when I return.”

And, well, you weren’t in them. Simple as that. And it’s not like you can just put on the items he laid out for you, there’s more to it. It’s about being prepared. You in your light colored lace, thin and not exactly hiding much, you looked so pretty in the choices he’d pick out for you. On the bed, more specifically, on your knees, your back arched and hands behind you to rest on your calfs. 

Instead, you’re standing by the door, in the wrong place, in the wrong attire, everything is just wrong. You feel a stream of guilt trickle down your spine, you’re absolutely sure there will be punishment for this.

Daddy doesn’t forgive such mistakes, you know this by now, he’s taught you this. You should’ve learned. 

His footsteps echo the hallway leading to the door, god are you nervous. When he opens the door and comes in it’s all errant little noises and grunts, him setting aside his bag, his coat, hat, stepping from his shoes. Your heart is racing.

Finally he makes his way from the foray to where you stand hesitantly in the living room. When his eyes hit you, they take you in with a displeased shake of his head and slight frown. His arms fold across his chest and he walks over to you. 

Tilting your head up, taking your chin in his hand, making sure you look him in the eye. “You’re not in the clothes I set out for you kitten,” he states. You nod shyly, eyes fluttering.

“I-i forgot.”

“Oh dear, now that’s a problem,” he lightly chuckles, his smile small and teasing. “It’s a big problem because of a lot of reasons. Disrespecting my orders like that? Forgetting what your own daddy has told you to do? That is bad manners.”

Your nerves are in over drive, skin hot and itchy under such close examination. Namjoon can get so… harsh.

“Because, you see,” Namjoon continues, “when you don’t do what I ask, your daddy will have to punish you.”

You swallow hard.

His hands take you in, they wrap around your ribcage, they curl behind your back. His touches are expertly carried out, gentle but controlling. You know you are his, he doesn’t even have to say it, just the way his possessive fingers go across your skin, they are what speak. 

He bends his head down, his lips taunting the sensitive skin of your ear. “You’re so fucking pretty wearing what I want you to wear, now why would you forget such a simple task as dressing?”

You swallow again. Harder this time. 

He pulls away slightly, to look down at you, “and kitten, would’t you have assumed what would come of this foolish behavior?”

Is it possible for you to swallow even harder than before? Because you do.

“Of course you didn’t,” his fingers tighten around you, pulling you closer to him once again. “Bad, bad girl.”

“I’m sorry daddy, it won’t happen again.”

Namjoon nods, “I won’t let it, you’ll learn this time not to disrespect me.”

His hand grabs your wrist, holding it tightly and tugging. He starts walking in front of you, heading straight for your bedroom. You march after him, your arm outstretched, your feet trying to keep up with his pace. 

He is speaking errant things, “I’m going to make you pay, little girl, when I’m done with you.. you are going to be so used. Your legs won’t stop shaking, your heart won’t stop pounding, you’ll look so incredibly ravaged, beautiful yes, but panting like a little whore.”

Well then.

He pushes you past the door frame, slamming the door behind him and facing you, standing flustered in the middle of the room. Your shoulders rise and fall with your heavy breathing, the way he stares at you, his looks always do this to you. You always end up a mess if he gives you this kind of attention.

The kind of attention that is addicting, captivatingly horrible.

“On the bed kitten,” he tells you, keeping his place by the shut door, expression troubled.

You do as told, approaching the nicely folded sheets you have washed today, and sitting down. He slowly makes his way to in front of the bed frame, staring down at you.

“You know, you’re really pretty dear. You’re so fucking pretty I can’t take it. But I still have to punish you. Do you realize how irritating this is to me?” he asks, brow raising, his mouth pinched. You look up at him, eyes wide in response, words pooling in the pit of your stomach.

“I hate you, I absolutely hate you, how you sit there, and I didn’t even ask you to sit like that, but you did, you sat like that.”

You don’t know at first how exactly you’re sitting, but you realize in your short dress, your legs spread sitting on your knees, quite a lot of you is on display. The curve of your leg from knee to mid thigh, how much inner thigh is showing shadowed by the hem of your dress. Namjoon’s eyes can’t seem to stop looking, with the way they fall and darken, he is still in his staring.

You’re a bit nervous being on display like this, with your legs spread, your hands over the bend of your knees. The feeling of him all over you, anywhere he looks he is touching, you can feel the touch of him over your shoulder, down your arm, spilling over your hand to find it’s way up your thigh. With his such intense staring you feel the sudden impulse of need, you want him touching you for real. And he knows he does this to you, its obvious he does it on purpose. No matter how much he might enjoy staring at you, in the end its all for building up the tension and the desperation fiery in your chest.

“You are so pretty for daddy, so fucking pretty,” he praises you, taking a step forward, leaning over you. You tilt your head up more, looking at him, your back arching. “I want to do so many dirty things to you, let daddy do all the dirty things he wants. Alright kitten?”

You nod, your heart beat increasing with both speed, but also heat.

“How can you look so pretty when I have to punish you? How can you look so pretty without wearing what I bought you? It doesn’t make sense. I want to do all these things to you, to such a beautiful kitten of mine.” 

“What are you going to do to me daddy? What will you do to punish me? I was so bad, how are you going to get me back for my actions?” you ask, your voice wavering and hesitant. Namjoon smiles slightly, sitting down finally on the bed in front of you. He fiddles with his hands for a moment, cracking his knuckles and taunting you with his suggestive stairs. His hands do start to creep from your knee to thigh, just like his eyes had. He doesn’t hesitate pulling up your dresses hem, his hands making direct contact with your cold skin, holding onto your waist, fingers stroking. HIs touch is always so precise.

So accurate to where you want him to be.

He pulls you to sit on his lap, your legs straddling his thighs, he loves when you’re on top of him like a big girl. You rap yourself close to him, trying to hold him as close as you can get him. 

A small whimper, barely audible, escapes your lips. He turns his head, eyes dazzling in the low light of your room. “Don’t want what’s coming next dear?”

You shake your head slightly, lips pouting, but you make no attempt to get off of him.

“You don’t… lets say, you don’t want me to turn your pretty skin a bright red? Don’t want me to cause your skin to sting? Don’t want me always pulling away from you before letting you feel really good? Don’t want me driving you crazy, in touching you too lightly for your fill? Saying things not… repulsive enough to get you excited.”

Another whimper trips across your parted lips and settles in the air between you two. 

“No daddy, none of that!” you whine, voice catching, throwing back your head, hair falling over your shoulders. “I want everything you have to offer!”

“So… you want me?” Namjoon asks, latching his hand around the back of your neck, tugging you to lean against his chest. His lips and nose go over your hair which falls in front of your ear. His breath is hot. “You want the way I bite at your neck, or tug at your pretty hair, the way I demand of you to bend over for me, how I fuck you, making you scream for me to go harder; dear, every time I think I can’t go harder, and then I do, for you. Because you take daddy’s cock so well.”

“I do, don’t I?” you ask, your cheeks flushing with heat and a strawberry tint.

“Kitten, you do.” Namjoon takes your chin in his hand, smiling at your pink face hot and flustered by his words. “And every time I fuck you, you just prove it even more.”

Embarrassment is the most evident feeling going through you, but then theres that hidden feeling, the one that always ends up dominating. Lust. Against everything else, always fighting back, lust is what wins. Every time, you can’t help it. Namjoon knows this weakness of yours. Even if you might get embarrassed by what he says, lust is what influences your actions.

“Daddy I want to prove it to you right now, please just fuck me, I want to prove how good I can be for you,” you whine, your arms stroking down his clothed chest. He tilts his head slightly to the side, marveling in how you are such a good little girl for him.

“You will prove it after you receive your punishment. For now kitten, off, and on your knees.”

You do as told, going to sit on your knees on the cold, hard wood floor. The feeling of your bare and sensitive skin pressing down on the ground hurts a bit, but you don’t mind. Namjoon stands, walking behind you. He bends down to be level with you, far from you, but you can still sense his sent and breath. Slowly his hands press down on the backs of your calves, his fingers at first gentle with your skin. Then he presses down. He presses down hard, his palms flat and strong, forcing your bones to make contact with the floor. It is a very strange sensation, like knot in your veins. And then its unbearable. With his hands pressing harder into you, pushing you harder into the floor, you feel the rest of your body grow limp and weak. You collapse, your upper body falling to the edge of the bed. Your knees are shaking, quivering, bruising. Your bones seem to rattle within your body. Everything is on overdrive, with the knawing pain digging through you, it goes deep, to rest at the core of your heart.

“D-daddy… please, ah, it hurts so much..” you whine, your lips trembling, trying to hold back tears. 

He doesn’t ease up, if anything his strong fingers dig in harder.

“Don’t tell me what to do kitten,” he whispers, teeth grinding together, his lips behind the back of your ear. He plants a soft kiss there, on the side of your neck, pushing his hands harder against you, making you shriek. In this shriek you let out, you can’t hold back the tears forming in your eyes.

Namjoon’s hands curl around the backs of your legs, ceasing his pressure and pulling you towards him. Your ass comes in contact with his hard erection pressing against you. His hands slide over your skin, your light dress, the curves of your body. His palm grips at you, pulling you closer, both of you on your knees. He slides up your dress once again, playing with the hem of your panties.

“Want me to touch you there kitten? Make all the bruises go away?”

You nod, leaning back against him, rubbing your ass over his clothed cock, making sure to tease him. He growls into your ear, nipping at your skin.

“I’m the one to fucking tease kitten, not you.”

You stop your motions, stopping the fiction between you two. He nods, “Good girl, stopping that teasing, daddy hates to be teased.”

Without another word his hand slips under your panties, his finger making delicious contact with you. You feel yourself get wet for his touch, his finger slowly searching for your sweat spot. When he does find your clit he massages slowly, putting that same kind of pressure on you, rubbing in circles. His touches are taunting you, making you hurt for more. 

“Such a good girl, you get so wet for me,” he says, his lips big and soft and wet, going down your back, over your dress.

“Hmm?” you hum, leaning against his touches, making sure to consume every bit of him you can. You want every realm of pleasure he can give you.

“Don’t you then? You are dripping for more,” his fingers tease along your folds, “and you smell so sweet.”

“Ahhhh..” you let out, faint whimpers and pants, thats all you can manage, your skin heated, your heart racing.

He presses his palm against you, making sure he’s hard on your clit, stimulating it to know end, though not going hard enough.

“You want more, don’t you kitten? My fingers, my tongue, my cock? You want all of it, you slut.”

“I-i do,” you moan, arching your back, bucking your hips against him, and slamming your back into his chest. He lets out a soft chuckle at your frantic actions, how wild you’ve become for more.

“Want me to give it you? My fingers, my tongue, my cock? Do you want all of it?” he asks, his hand pulling away from your core, siding up your tummy, trailing with him your juices. “Why don’t you tell me how much you want it?”

“Oh- oh daddy, I want you to shove your pretty fingers in me, and lick me, and I want your thick cock to make me feel so good. You’re so good at making me loose it, you feel so good in me, I just want you to fuck me, please, just fuck me.”

“Darling, you have such a pretty voice begging for my cock. You say such wonderful things in that wonderful voice of yours. You’ll have my cock soon enough, don’t worry.”

You let out a pent up whine, neck going back, resting on his shoulder. “Why can’t I just have you?! I just want you to fuck me, is that so hard to do?”

Don’t use that kind of language kitten, you don’t get to talk to me like that.”

He pushes you away from him, standing and leaving you on the ground. He makes his way back to the bed, sitting, and looking down at you. 

“What is my kitten doing on the floor?”

You give him wide eyes, pulling down your dress to hang at it’s usual position.

“Come here, come up here.” He motions for you to join him, you stand hesitantly and sit beside him on the bed, eyes constantly breaking contact, nervous and flustered by his recent playing with you. Your whole body just wants more and he’s not giving it to you. Pent up anger fuels your actions, which you know is never a good thing when around your daddy.

“You’re looking so upset, what is it kitten?”

You shake your head, bowing it and lips pursing.

Namjoon takes hold of your dress, pulling it all the way up and over your head, finally undressing you. Left in only your panties, skin cool, and his hands on you icy. He holds the sides of your hips, bringing you closer to him and onto his lap, his hands trailing up. You lean into his touch, his hands on your breasts, massaging your nipples and making you whine and squirm. His thumbs go over you, and then his fingers take them and twist. You let out a drawn out and choked moan, the stimulation strange, slightly painful, but mostly just incredible. 

“You like that baby?” he asks, and you nod encouragingly. You let your neck fall loose, hanging back, and arching your back for more. HIs hands rub against your breasts, holding them tightly in his palms, squeezing with his play on your nipples. Breathy noises escape your open mouth.

“Oh you do, don’t you? You love my hands on you kitten.”

That’s why it’s so devastating when he pulls away. 

But then he just grips your hips, flipping over to lay on your back beneath him on the bed. You run out of breath, it being caught in back of your throat, instead looking up at him. His eyes bare into you, mouth slightly tilted in a smirk.

“You look so fucking good beneath me kitten,” he kisses down your chest, tracing his tongue around your nipple then taking it in his mouth. 

“Oh fuck that feels good daddy!” you moan out, jutting your hips up to grind against his. He hisses loudly, the fiction you create on his crotch distracting. He nips at your sensitive nipple as punishment, making you whine. You wiggle under his touch, his tongue making teasing circles around your skin, his lips rapping around you, making sure you are driven absolutely mad.

“Daddyyyyyy, oh god, please just fuck me already..”

“Oh dear, none of that, no naughty words to escape your mouth,” he scolds, mumbling against your hot skin. His hands grip your hips to keep you in place. You can’t seem to stop your hips from jolting around, trying to make contact with him. He holds you down just so you’re left craving him, left completely neglected.

His lips pull away from you, making you both whine for more, and anticipate what’s next.

“Whining for me to fuck you? Kitten, I’ll fuck you senseless.”

You moan at just his words, so enticing, so deep. You nod frantically, spreading your legs wide for him, panties already soaked and your hips as high as you can get them. He smiles at you, his eyes traveling your body.

“You’re so desperate for me kitten, such a little whore for daddy.”

He pulls down your panties, slowly, his hands trailing down from your hips, to thighs, to knees, wiggling you from them entirely. Finally he unbuckles his tight pants, pushing them down, his erection hard and bulging in his underwear. He doesn’t even bother removing his shirt, but you marvel at the v leading to below his underwear, his pointy, sharp hipbones. He brings you closer to him, your heat begging for him. His knees bent, the back of your thighs rested on his, legs spread.

“Want daddy’s cock baby girl?” he asks, you arch your back in agreement, making sure your core rubs against his clothed bulge. He lets out a soft moan at that, reaching under you, grabbing your ass to pull you closer. He shoves down his underwear hastily, his cock strained after waiting so long. You moan at just the sight of it, waiting for it, and lean as close as you can get.

When he thrusts into you without warning you can’t help but let out a scream. A choked scream, interrupted by a loud, guttural moan. You try to adjust to his size, but you’re never really able to. He starts to thrust into you, his cock driving itself into you hard, hot, filling you up so entirely.

“Goddd kitten, you’re so wet for me,” he moans, his head leaning back with his thrusts. You moan in response, rolling your hips with his movements. 

“Ugh daddy, you fuck me so good, please, faster!” you complain. His thrust stay slow, the head of his cock hitting you in wonderful places, making you squirm and your cheeks flush.

“Faster? You want me to go faster for my kitten?” he asks, voice breathy and his words incomplete. 

“Y-yes,” his thrusts are deep, slow, teasing, driving you mad, “jus-st fuckk,” he slowly speeds up, going harder and faster, “m-meee,” he grabs at you, tilting you up to hit you in different places, “daddyyy.”

“As you wish.”

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck fuck fuck! Yes yes Yes!!” You are going absolutely insane under him, his cock working into you like absolute magic. He makes sure to tilt you in the perfect ways to hit you in perfect ways, and ugh he’s just perfect. His moans fill your ears, deep, not very loud, but oh they’re addictive. You’re addicted.

And your moans are all whines and moans and whimpers breathy sounds. Little ‘oohs’ and ahhs’ but then the, “daddy, oh fuck! Fuck fuck! You’re so good, you fuck me so good!! Oh, fuck me harder, please, just harder!”

You can tell he loves it when you whine for him, even though he scolds you every time you curse with slowing down, or pulling out, he just loves the way your voice fills his ears.

“Cum for me darling? I know you want to.” And he’s right, you’re so ready you feel yourself wanting to burst. Your walls tightening, your breathing frantic, sweat dripping down the side of your cheek. With all that teasing you can’t stand him any longer. 

“Ahh, daddy I’m gonna cum-m..”

His thrusts are harder, faster, sloppy with his high approaching too. “You look so fucking good cumming for daddy like that,” he whispers into your ear, planting wet kissing along your collar bone.

You arch your back, feeling that release inside the pit of your stomach. Moaning loudly, whining over how good it feels. He cums inside of you, fucking out the last of his euphoria.

“Mmm, darling you feel so good,” he whispers, collapsing beside you, tucking you close to him. You can’t seem to regain the right breathing, your mind dizzy and seeing stars from that kind of orgasm. 

“Go to sleep baby, you did so good for me,” Namjoon says, his breathing slowing with yours. You nod, curling yourself around him.

“I love you daddy, I’m sorry I didn’t do what you asked of me, I will next time, I promise.”

“I know you will, I won’t let you forget.”

Send me requests for smut, anything you send in will be fine!! (sorry mom)

The Beast Inside- Taegi Smut



Pairing: Suga x Taehyung (Taegi)

Warnings: yaoi, daddy kink, toys, lingerie, praise, spanking, slight teasing, dirty talk, slight kitten kink, and slight orgasm denial. (so a lot of stuff)

Words: 3,425

Taehyung sits at the kitchen table thinking about his and Suga’s relationship. Their relationship has been different lately, he notices the changes and tries not to think too hard about them. When he does he finds he grows a bit sad. Suga has been a little distant and Tae can’t help but think that it’s because of him. 

Suga left early this morning going to the studio to work on a new song. Sitting alone at the table, Tae thinks back to last night when he was trying to get his boyfriend to sit down on the couch and watch their favorite movie together. 

Suga shrugged Tae’s hand away from his arm and had said, “Baby, I don’t really have the time right now. Maybe later.” 

“But babeee” Tae had whined, “you haven’t been spending as much time as you usually do with me.” Suga looked at his boyfriend and said “I’ve been busy and you obviously know that.” Giving up, Tae turned off the TV and went to bed. 

Remembering this event makes Taehyung’s feel like such an idiot, so annoyed at himself, his eyes watering. Suddenly he gets an idea, while it might be a strange idea, maybe one he’ll regret, he likes it anyway. He wants to make things more interesting in their relationship. 

He jumps up, grabs his keys and leaves the dorms. 

That night Taehyung sits on the couch eagerly waiting for his boyfriend to get home. He was out all day looking for the perfect gifts to give to Suga that evening. While shopping his mind would wander to all the possible outcomes that might come of each purchase. His mind goes back to similar thinking when he hears the click of the lock to the front door. He stands up and wipes his sweaty hands down the front of his outfit and turns to face the door. 

When Suga enters and closes the door behind him, he still hasn’t noticed Taehyung. The anticipation is killing Tae, he watches eagerly as Suga takes off his jacket, and places his bag on the ground. 

Finally he turns to face the living room. With his usual expression, his mouth open as if he was about to call for his boyfriend, but when he sees what is in front of him, his words get stuck in his throat. Taehyung is standing before him wearing tall, black heels, white knee high socks, with black bows just below the knee, black laced lingerie that huggs his toned, defined body perfectly, showing off his slim figure and beautiful legs. 

Tae begins to fidget with the hem of his lingerie, becoming self-consciousness of the way he looks. Suga’s eyes stay on his boyfriend’s body for several moments before he finally looks at his face. He gives a barely audible gasp, seeing the red lipstick that Taehyung has on, his eyes traveling up more to notice a white bow placed in his hair. He finally looks into the younger boys eyes, but he stays frozen in place. 

Tae began to slowly walk towards Suga, every step amplified due to the heels on the hard wooden floor. 

*Click* Suga’s eyes go down to Taehyung’s hips. 

*Click* he bites his lip as he watches Tae’s hips sway back and forth with every step. 

*Click* one more step and Taehyung will be directly in front of him. 

*Click* finally Tae comes to a stop.  

Suga’s eyes remain on his boyfriend’s hips for a few seconds before looking Tae’s entire body over once more. Taehyung leans over to whisper into Suga’s ear, “do you like what you see?” he asks. His voice is slightly higher than usual because of how incredibly nervous he has become. He leans back to look at Suga’s face, his eyes are wide and a visible bead of sweat has begun to slide down his cheek. As if Taehyung has said a magic word, Suga immediately comes out of his dazed state. He slowly walks forward, and pushes the boy’s back into the wall behind him. 

When Taehyung is pressed fully against the wall, Suga looks up into his eyes, now noticing the considerable hight difference. With his eye contact continuing, he points to the younger boy’s shoes. 

“Take them off,” he says. Suga is shocked by how deep and rough his own voice sounds, and by the way his boyfriend reacts. 

Suga takes a few steps back to allow Tae to take off the heels, Taehyung takes a few steps forward also, confusing Suga by his actions. When he is standing right in front of Suga again, away from the wall, and turns around, bending over and beginning to untie the strings that held the shoe in place. As he does this, his ass rubbed against Sugas growing erection, the friction causing a low growl to escape from Suga’s mouth as he watches the process below him. 

Finally taking off the shoes and throwing them to the side, Tae turns back around to face Suga. Suga’s eyes seem darker as they stair at each other. And with this staring grows Suga’s impatience, he can’t bare just standing there any longer to waist such valuable moments. Such pointless infuriates him. 

He slams Taehyung into the wall behind him, the back of his head making direct and stabbing contact with the hard wall, but Suga doesn’t seem to care about how his face reflects his pain. Suga roughly places his lips onto Taes, slipping his tongue into his mouth and instantly gaining dominance. Suga only breaks the kiss to begin attacking Taehyung’s neck, making him moan. 

“What the hell do you think you’re doing. I work hard all day and come home exhausted, expecting quiet time, relaxation, sleep, but what do I see that when I walk in? I see you dressed like this, with those heels,” pointing to them discarded beside their feet, “and this damn lace that doesn’t cover up anything.” Suga says this as he places his hands on both sides of Tae’s head, pinning him in this position, 

“I… I thought..” Taehyung’s words are harshly cut off by a hand roughly grabbing at his neck, not quite cutting off all the air circulating his lungs, but enough to make it slightly difficult to breath. 

Tae begins gasping as Suga speaks again, “Did I fucking tell you that you could talk?” he asks as he tightens his grip on Tae’s neck. “I was going to go easy on punishing you because I like what you’re wearing so, so much. But after that blatant disrespect of talking back to me, I don’t think i can go so easy.“ 

He loosens his hand and allows Taehyung to take in a breath before tightening his hand again, “you’ve been a naughty boy haven’t you?” Suga asks while looking at Tae’s beautiful face gasping for air, well aware that he can’t reply back even if he wanted to. “I think naughty boys need to be taught a lesson, don’t you?” He removes his hand from Taehyung’s throat and places it back by his head. Tae stands there taking in as much air as his lungs can allow, sudenly Suga’s hand comes across Tae’s cheek with a loud smack. “I asked you a question kitten” Suga growls.

"Yes!“ Tae gasps, “yes, bad boys should be punished and taught a lesson! I’ve been so naughty daddy, I’ve been such a bad kitten!” Suga is shocked at what Tae has just called him, Suga has had a daddy kink for a long time, but was always too scared to show that side of himself to Taehyung, too afraid that it would scare him away. But now, his boyfriend has unknowingly played right into his hidden fantasys.

Suga let’s out a low growl and removes his hands from the wall beside Taehyungs head. “Kitten, daddy has to punish you now. Go to your room and wait for me there.” 

Taehyung nods his head obediently. “Yes daddy,” he says, as he begins to walk away, as he does, Suga reaches out and slaps him hard on the ass. Taehyung let’s out a squeak and begins to walk quicker. 

When he enters the room he goes into the closet and gets a box full of the other surprises he had bought today. He gets on the bed and places it in front of him, sitting on his knees and waiting for his boyfriend to enter. 

Suga makes sure to take his time walking to their room, both furthering the anticipation and teasing. When he finally does walk into the room, his eyes land on the box first. He looks at Tae questioningly. “What’s this kitten?” he asks as he stops at the end of the bed.

“Well..” Tae says shyly, “I thought that we could use some of these.” Suga leans over and grabs the box from the bed, he gives one last look at Taehyung before glancing down and opening the box. His eyes grow wide at what he sees. Inside the box there are three medium length toys. One is pink with beads that get bigger as the toy does (???), the next is a green vibrator, but the last one is the one that shocks Suga the most. He picks it up out of the box to look at it closer, it’s a black butt plug with a long, white tail attached 

“I thought they’d be fun,” Tae says. “Oh kitten,” Suga replies with a chuckle, “you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

With that Tae knows things are about to shift.

“Take off your clothes,” Suga demands, still holding the butt plug in his hands. Tae kneels on the bed and begins to slowly take off his lingerie, the strings and ties becoming more difficult to take off than they were to put on. Finally succeeding in taking off the upper half, he throws it to the ground, and starts to untie the intricate knots of the lower half. Suga marvels at the sight of Taehyung’s beautiful chest, the way it rises and falls so delicately with every breath, the way his lower abs tighten every time his hand comes into contact with his growing bulge, the way his fingers expertly undo the black strings that beautifully contrast with his skin. Suga shudders at the thought of everything he is about to do to his beautiful boy, a smirk playing at his lips. 

Finally undoing all of the strings to the bottom half of his lingerie, Tae turns around giving Suga an amazing view as he bends down to step out of the delicate lace. Suga swallows with an audible gulp as Tae finally stands back up and turns to face him. Now standing compleatly naked exept for the white stockings he has on, Suga is finally able to look at him completely. 

“Damn,” Suga says with a sigh, “my kitten is so fucking beautiful.” As he says this he motions for Tae to walk towards him. When Tae is in front of him, Suga has a clear view of his now hard erection. Everything about it was perfect, from its shape, to its color. It truly was beautiful, and Suga had to acknowledge that. 

He holds out his hand for Taehyung to take, and when he does, Suga helps him step off the bed. With Tae now standing in the center of the room Suga begins to circle around him, taking in ever part of Taehyungs body with his eyes. Tae stands there shyly, wondering when Suga was going to finally touch him. 

After looking at Taehyung completely, Suga stops in front of him, “get back on the bed and get on your hands and knees. Leave your stockings on,” staring into Taehyungs eyes. Tae eagerly walks to the bed and takes the position that was ordered of him. He feels Suga get on the bed behind him, but he doesn’t feel his hands. Curiously he looks back, only to see Suga holding one of the thicker black pieces of ribbon that was used to hold together Taes lingerie. 

“Do you trust me kitten?” Suga asks, while looking down at the black ribbon. 

“Yes,” Tae answers eagerly, desperate to be touched. 

“Good kitten.” Suga coos, as he comes up behind Tae, bending over him his back, his clothed cock pressing against the younger boy’s ass. 

Tae let’s out a low moan, “please daddy, please touch me,” whining, pressing his ass up against Suga’s cock. 

Suga growls darkly and grabs a fistful of Taehyungs hair, yanking his head up and back, “don’t forget who’s in charge here kitten,” saying this from behind, into the boy’s ear. He hisses the last word almost sadistically as he quickly reaches around and ties the ribbon across Taes eyes. A small wine escapes Taehyung’s mouth as Suga finishes the knot. 

“Please, please fuck me,” he says desperately. “Oh I will kitten, I’ll be slamming my cock into you soon enough. But right now, daddy wants to play.” 

Suga chuckles as he picks up the pink toy. “Are you ready kitten?” He asks as he reaches over and gets a bottle of lube from the nightstand beside the bed which Tae had set out for them. 

“Yes,” Tae breathlessly answers, the excitement of what is to come making him writhe on the bed. “Legs up,” Suga demands, moving from behind Tae to in front of him. Suga moves Tae to lay on his back, spreading his legs wide in front of him on the bed. 

He opens the bottle of lube and puts some on his finger, he rubs it around with his thumb before reaching down to Taehyung’s puckered ass. He rubs his finger over the tight opening and Tae let’s out a sigh at finally feeling his lover’s hand on him, touching him where he needs it most. Suga gently inserts his finger into Tae’s ass, Taehyung’s back arches off the bed as he moans loudly. 

“That’s it baby, moan for me,” Suga says darkly, as he begins to move his finger in and out. After a while of stretching him out, Suga feels that Tae is ready. Suga grabs the toy and the lube off of the bed and generously smothers the toy with the lube. Satisfied with his work, he begins to insert the smallest of the beads into Taehyungs entrance. Tae, already sweating and tense from the abuse that Suga’s fingers had given him, only moments ago, gasps loudly at the sudden intrusion. 

Grabbing Taehyung’s legs and pushing them up further, Suga inserts the toy until he gets to the medium beads, he taps Tae’s legs twice as a warning before he pushes in the medium beads. Taehyung let’s out a choked and quiet scream, his voice high from the pleasure he is feeling, with the blindfold on, it enhances his pleasure by tenfold. The unknown becoming exciting to Taehyung, and he slowly begins to enjoy his punishment. These thoughts are ripped right out of his head, because at that exact moment, Suga has pushed in the biggest bead of all, without warning. 

“FUCK!” Taehyung screams. The only evidence that the beads are in Taehyung at all is the small ring that protrudes from his ass. Suga, still holding onto Tae’s legs, begins to slowly force his legs down, as he does this, the beads in Taehyung begin to shift and move position. Tae let’s out a long moan until his feet are finally resting on the bed. 

“You did so good kitten,” Suga says. He climbs on top of Taehyung, removing the blindfold and staring at his face, he has a thin line of sweat beginning to drip down onto the bed. Suga leans down and kisses Tae passionately on the mouth, immediately inserting his tongue and winning dominance. 

Distracting Tae with the kiss, Suga slowly slides his hand down to Taehyung’s lower stomach. He begins to put pressure on Taes stomach, which causes Taehyung to moan in Suga’s mouth, the kiss gets deeper as Suga puts more and more pressure on the beads inside of Taehyung. Tae is close and Suga knows it, the way his whimpers get softer and more desperate, the way he squirms on the bed trying to get more friction from the beads inside of him, the way his cock is strained, red, and pulsing; to Suga, Taehyung has never looked more beautiful. 

But he won’t let Tae cum. 

Suga removes his hand from Taehyung’s stomach and pulls back from the kiss. Tae whines in frustration, “you dick!” he screams. But as soon as he says those words, he immediately regrets it. 

Suga grabs his hand and harshly yanks him up, not caring anymore about the beads that still reside in Taehyung. Suga sits on the edge of the bed and puts Tae on his lap with his ass up in the air. Without warning Suga brings his hand down again and again on Taehyung’s ass, the pain mixed with the pleasure of the beads moving inside of him, has Tae screaming out. 

After several minutes of Suga unleashing his anger on Taehyung’s ass, he stops and softly runs his hands on Taes smooth skin, “so beautiful,” he mutters. There are clear imprints of Suga’s hand and his ass is bright red. 

Not yet satisfied at the punishment he has given Taehyung, he quickly grabs the ring of the beads inside of Taes ass and pulls all of the beads out at once. The loud scream that comes from Taehyung’s mouth is loud enough to be heard by the entire neighborhood. Throwing Taehyung off of his lap and onto the bed, Suga immediately climbs on top of him and begins to kiss him ferociously. Suga finally removes his pants and boxers. His cock is begging for attention, being hard like that for too long, waiting too long, he can’t seem to wait any longer. He positions his length to line up with Tae’s hole, roughly inserting his cock into Taehyung. 

Tae releases a hoarse cry, “oh daddy please fuck me harder!” his throat soar from all of the screaming he has already done. Suga obliges and begins a ruthless pace, pounding into him without rest, the sound of skin slapping against skin and Taehyung’s breathless moans are the only sounds in the room. 

As Tae begins to reach his high for the second time, Suga ceases all of his movements and quickly pulles out of Taehyung. Tae gives a needy cry, his whining causing his lower lip to quiver. 

“Please,” he whispers, with a broken sob. 

“Please what?” Suga asks, “

Please, please let me cum,” Tae says with a cry. 

Suga smirks as he forces himself into Tae once more, his lips beside Tae’s ear, “ss you wish kitten.”

The pace now is even more brutal than before, Suga now chasing his own high. Suga grabs Tae’s legs and places one over his shoulder as he leans forwards to deepen himself into Taehyung. The new position his cock goes farther and farther into Tae, reaching that spot that makes the younger boy writhe in pleasure, his blood boiling and skin hot. Hitting Tae’s prostate, Tae seeing stars at the sudden intense pleasure. 

“Daddy, oh fuck daddy, FUCK!!” he shouts.

After a few more harsh thrusts, Suga can tell that Taehyung is close by the way he tightens around his member. Suga reaches down and gives a few hard tugs to Taehyungs neglected cock. His rough palm going up and down the boy’s cock. Tae finally reaches his high, his eyes shutting and mouth gaping wide. At first it’s hard for him to make even a noise, but as Suga continues to pound ceaselessly into him, he is shouting “DADDY!!!!” his cum spurting up onto his chest, only to trickle down and pool at his stomach. 

The sight of his pretty boy so abused in pleasure is enough to bring Suga flying over the edge, with a low moans and curses, he releases his seed deep inside of Taehyung with one final thrust. 

“Fuck, I love you.” Suga says as he lays next to Taehyung, their bodies are hot, sweaty and stinging. Tae can’t even find words, his mind is clouded and his mouth can’t seem to make up syllables. He instead just lightly kisses Suga’s forehead, not bothering with words in the end, much too tired. He feels his limbs go limp in sleep overtaking him. 

“Any other surprises for me in the morning?” Suga asks, his voice light, his breath going over Tae’s neck.

“We’ll just have to wait and see.”

i’ll be posting my own writing in a little while, i’ve been working on different ideas, requests, and have been super busy. I did spend a good hour or two editing and adding onto this, but await my future posts, and send me requests for Hoseok and Jin smut!!

Drinks- Taehyung Fluff/Smut


Pairing: Taehyung x Reader

Genre: mild, mild smut

Words: 1,246 (sorry)

-I’m underage so idk much abt drinking, i made it mostly after drinking..idk sorry if it doesn’t make any sense i tried and ugh its terrible :/

“Come on, Y/N, I promise just one more..” Tae stutters, eyes fluttering and dazed. You stair at him, just smiling to yourself at his foolishness. You can tell he is already quite waisted, his head periodically shaking slightly like that will clear his mind and make him sober. 

“Come on Tae, we gotta go now,” you sternly command. He laughs a little, dragging behind you, you pulling him by his arm. The bar in which you are trying to exit from is busy, like loud-men-yelling-at-sports-on-the-tv, girls-getting-picked-up-by-random-dudes, getting-drunk-to-ignore-the-pain busy. And also very loud, like perverts-catcalling-any-human-that-walks-and-breathes loud. 

Tae is just a small boy behind you, obviously getting lost in the mess.

You pull him harder by the sleeve, urging him in his wobbling, falling over himself, state. You just want to get out of the place. When you both finally do, he is clinging to your shoulder, head bowed and loose upon his neck, you trying, and failing, to support his weight. 

You hail a cab for you both, the cab projects a haze of misty air onto you, from the gutters, as it pulls up beside your hunched body with Tae. You tuck your bag under your arm and make your way to the car’s door. Pausing before entering the vehicle, you can tell that Tae’s drunken mind is already erasing the things you’ve done tonight that you won’t want to remember by tomorrow; you know the feeling, its a pleasant feeling, of clearing, like a dirty white board being wiped.

You let the cold night take your hair in its wind and swirl within your unprotected bones. You pull at the strands of hair, that you can’t manage to maintain, within your jacket. 

You glance at the others spilling out of the noisy bar, with people hanging on their shoulders just like you, or others groping each other, all alone without a purpose to be there and without a purpose to leave. Their eyes cast to the ground, using their phones as an excuse to exclude the rest of the world from their nervous or ashamed eyes. They try to causally walk away like this was all on purpose, that they meant to leave alone and meant to come here in the first place. They are shifty and regretful. Maybe you’re used to the feeling and can live up to the regret of these waisted nights, maybe you can pretend. Because, while you and Tae might seem pitiful and reclusive from the rest of them, you still have your little excuses you tell yourselves to feel better about decisions made and things done. We all have our little lies only for deceiving ourselves.

Taking one last glance at them all, either leaving or going in, or pausing for a smoke, or fearing dangers in the far off distance, or leaving with some guy far more douchey than they deserve, all in the same night as you are, but your the one in the cab with a beautiful boy. You sequester yourself into the warm cab and feel the roof of it biting into your aching head, your wobbling knees pressed far too close to your queasy chest.

Tea looks the same as you, but much looser. His back hunches with his caving in shoulders and a hanging head. Little mumbles escape from his lips, denials of his waisted-ness and such. You smile at him, how silly he can be with his unconvincing lies.

You tell the driver your address, “we’re just going home, stop acting so innocent,” you chuckle to Tae, adjusting his collar, and patting him on the back. He groans slightly, but stays quite the rest of the trip back. 

When you pull him through the entry of your shared apartment he stumbles along, finally making it to your bedroom. You sit him down on the edge of the bed, and he falls immediately to lay completely on his back. You laugh at him, pulling off your jacket to hang off of the desk chair, moving on to his own. His arms don’t cooperate to wiggle from his sleeves, it takes minutes to fully undress him from both his jacket and over shirt. He is left in a thin long sleeve and his pants, laying askew upon the bed.

“Please just make this easy for me Tae,” you ask. He snorts, smiling. 

“Come over here, Y/N, I want you,” he slurs, thrusting his hand towards your general direction. You don’t take it, but sit beside him on the bed. He tilts his head to look at you, but his eyes don’t really find you, more like the area in which you are. 

“You need to get some sleep, I don’t think alcohol sits very well with you.”

He shakes his head, his hair messily cascading over his forehead. “Oh no, I’m perfectly fineeeee, you just don’t know what I’m like when I’m relaxxxxxed.”

“Oh silly boy,” you just answer, untucking the bed sheets. He pulls your hand away from the sheets to kiss up your fingers.

“Please, I want you sooooooo baddddd,” he whispers against your palm, his lips hot and breath slow. His eyelids droop, but he looks so hot still, sillily, messily hot. 

“Tae, just go to bed.” He shakes his head again, pouting his big lips. He sucks gently on one of your fingers, tracing his tongue over your fingernail, and tickling your knuckle. You try to resist his charms but its always so hard for you. And this is the first time he’s been drunk with you, he acts so.. up front. You honestly don’t know how to take it, with him acting this way with you.

“Just come over here, bend down your head and kiss me dear,” he asks of you, and you finally comply to his requests. You bend down to hover above his head, kissing his lips softly, him tasting of drinks. You shift your leg over his body, straddling his waist, and kiss him again. He is so loose with his kisses, loose and messy. 

“You taste so strange Tae,” you whisper along his bottom lip, and pull away.

“Aww come back..” he complains, outstretching his arms for you. But you’re already off the bed and standing in front of him. His eyes find you, lips parted. 

“Sleep, Tae.”

“Nahhh, but I could do so many other things that are so much better than sleeping! You could join me, we could do stuff other than sleep..” Tae chuckles to himself, his smile wide. You shake your head, moving to the side of the bed.

“Just get under the covers,” you tell him. He wobbles to a stand, and does what he’s told, wiggling his body under the sheets. You lay next to him. At first he is silent and still, which you appreciate of him, but then he comes closer to your body. His breath smelling foul, of his drinks. He trails his soft lips along the side of your cheek, planting a soft kiss on your temple, leaving the side of your head slightly wet.

“Tae,” you say sternly to him, not ready to deal with his attempts at contact. He makes this little whimper sound of disapproval, nudging his body closer. 

“Oh pretty Y/N,” he mumbles, but softly and slowly.

His hand rests under your shirt, against your bare tummy, and his body stills. The purr of his sleeping fills the room instead, finally he’s asleep, his body rapped tightly around yours. His warmth spreads to you, and you nuzzle closer to him.

No more drinks for Tae.

sorry that took a while to write and was so short and not very smutty, but I’m looking forward to the next few I’m doing. (sorry mom..kinda)

Invited- Taegi x Reader Smut


Side-note: This is gonna be my 3rd threeway (wtf) and to you anon, the more detailed the better!! i absolutely encourage detailed requests, just stating a member is kinda like ‘yea, i could have thought of that on my own,’ but stating what you actually want really helps, so thank you so so much!!

Pairing: Yoongi x reader x Taehyung

Warnings: Dirty talk, and not really anything besides the smut.

Words: 2,012

The other members admitted they were fed up with you two, but they never really mind. It’s not your fault that you can’t seem to keep your hands off of Yoongi, he’s the kind of person you just can’t resist once you’ve had him. They make sarcastic comments to you and Yoongi when hanging out with them. You don’t mind much, you know thats how it’s going to be when you decide to hang out in the dorms instead of your own apartment. But you just can’t seem to stop yourself when he smiles at you or pretty much does anything. You’d stop yourself if you could, but sadly, even in the dorms, you both start making out even if another member sees.

So heres the difference between previous situations to now. While before you’d be making out, someone would walk in and get all flustered. Maybe they’d pretend they were never there though both of you’d notice; or they’d stumble over their words, mumbling apologies and saying things to lighten the mood.

Instead, when Taehyung walks through the door of the dorm room, he doesn’t do much of anything. He both doesn’t walk away, or try speaking. As you and Yoongi continue with your lip biting and hands groping each other’s bodies, he stays still.

You almost want to tare yourself away from Yoongi’s hold on you, but his arms are engulfing you in his warmth and smell. You can’t seem to think clearly, or mind that Tae is watching both of you.

You rap your legs around Yoongi’s narrow hips, pulling him closer and farther on top of you. His lips are hot and wet, finding their way not only against your own, but down the side of your neck and sucking on it.

He always breaths heavy when you touch him, you love when he does and you always encourage it, so you wind your hands under the hem of his loose turtle neck. Sliding your hand up his warm and hard stomach, his breath getting heavier, which always drives you crazy. You pull at the fabric harshly, bringing him closer to your chest, his arms stiffening to hold himself up.

You see Tae out of the corner of your eye, sitting down on the couch, opposite you. His eyes are on you, not the other fellow member. You keep running your hands along Yoongi’s soft skin, and he doesn’t seem to care whatsoever that Tae is watching. You find that you don’t care much either. You decide to just use him in the room as an advantage to show off how good you are to your Yoongi.

You remove him from his shirt, him bending immediately to smother your lips in kisses. You love the feeling him, every bit of him. Running the tips of your fingers over every part of his skin you can reach, marveling at how he can be so flawless. When you bend your head down to suck on the dip of his collarbone you hear a moan from across the room. Pulling yourself away from Yoongi to look at Tae, he is leaning back on the couch, his eyes heavy with lust and a bulge evident in his sweatpants.

You continue to kiss up and down Yoongi’s neck, but you’re distracted by Tae’s presence, mostly by how much you want him too. You slide your hands from Yoongi’s chest to the v leading below his sweats. You don’t hesitate to move your hand farther, taking the bulge in his boxers against your hand to slowly massage and squeeze. You can tell doing this both makes Yoongi feel amazingly good, and gets Tae riled up, his breathing almost irritated from the other side of the dorm.

“Oh can I just join in? You guys are so hot I want to play too!” Taehyung complains, starting to touch himself through the fabric, arching his back against his own hand’s touch. You watch him, fascinated by the way his body looks and moves, wanting to touch him too. But Yoongi is growling into your ear, leaning himself into your hand, and grinding against your body. He nips at your ear like a kitten, his hips bucking and seeming so desperate to be payed attention to.

“Come on, can Tae join please?” you whisper, lips tickling the peach fuzz of his jaw. His head jolts to look you in the eyes, his hips stopping the consistent movement, but your hand still teasingly massaging him. You hope your little touches encourage him to give in to your request, being too desperate for more friction to say no. You just really want to touch Tae.

“What the fuck are you talking about Y/N? No.” Yoongi bites his teeth sharply into the side of your neck, you arching against the pain and letting out a yelp. He turns that yelp into a moan, playing tease with you, touching you through the fabric of your panties, his hand under the hem of your sweats.

“Hmm, oh my god, Yoongi, more please,”

“What? Do you want Tae to do that to you? You want him to touch you like that? Not just me, huh, little girl? But Tae?” Yoongi purrs into your hair, his hand rough on your crotch, massaging you with such force that you’re reduced to breathy whining.

“Ohhh, Yoongi I want Tae,” you complain to him, lifting your hips to meet his hand, hoping he’ll give you more.

Yoongi doesn’t say anything, he just tilts his head to look over at the younger boy, who has pulled down his sweats, but boxers still covering him. He grunts, his face looking angry, but Tae smirking in response, eyeing the whole seen both amusing to him, and very stimulating.

“Are you just gonna sit over there forever? Come over,” Yoongi says. You let out a held in breath, smiling up at the boy, his beauty shining through his eyes. You raise your hand to pull him over to you. He doesn’t sit down, he stands to your left, by your head. Yoongi looks over at him, dissatisfied, but not complaining-outloud. Hastily, Yoongi pulls down your sweats completely, then doing the same with your patines without much gentleness or pausing. Tae looks down your body, Yoongi taking you away from your sweater to lay naked in front of the boys.

Leaning over until his lips are at your ear, Tae chuckles, “doesn’t my darling look wonderful, just how I’ve imagined.”

You loose your breath at this, jutting your hips into the air, begging for someone to touch you by now. Yoongi grabs your thighs harshly, bring you closer to him. He hastily pulls down his sweats, revealing that cock of his you love so much. You reach for him, taking his hard cock in your hand to pump quick and rough. Your hand is to stroke his entire length, your fingers are to press into him. He moans such beautiful sounds, gravely and deep in his voice, biting down on his lip to keep most of his sounds in. He reaches his own hand to continue rubbing you, but finally not through such distracting fabric. He goes right to your clit to make your legs shake with energy, his fingers moving in circles, the stimulation unbearable for you to contain.

“And you get all the fun?” Tae asks, ‘hmfing’ to himself.

“Taeee, come over here then,” you say, grabbing onto his hips. You push down his sweats, from hanging loosely on his hips, to pool at his feet. His bulge is enticing, you can’t seem to find the patience to first glance up at his now topless body, before taking away his boxers. His cock ready for attention, big, vainey, and pulsing. Your mouth is watering for his flavor and feeling. How good would it feel to have that cock of his in your mouth like you’ve had Yoongi’s so many times before?

You don’t wait much longer to find out, taking hold of the base of his cock in your hand and pulling first the head, and then the rest, into your mouth. Yoongi watches you do this with jealousy pooling in his blood, restraint on his actions seeming silly by now. He takes your hips and thighs in his hands, pulling you closer to his own cock. He thrusts into you once, you trying to focus on sucking Tae good, but entirely thrown off by his intensity. Yoongi is going in and out of you with such deep, but slow thrusts, you find your body convulsing with the sensations pulsing through your heated veins.

“Even if he’s being distracting, you still have to suck me off babe,” Tae reminds you, jutting his hips encouragingly into your mouth. You pick up the pace, moving your tongue along his shaft, and sucking hard around his head. Tae whines for more, you trying your best with Yoongi pounding into you. You take him in your hand to help yourself out, deep throating him, his eyes shutting tightly because of that.

“Fuck, that feels so good baby,” Tae lets out. “Keep sucking my big cock, you’re doing so good.” You push him farther to the back of your throat a few more times, Yoongi hitting you at all these new and foreign places, while doing so.

“Come on Y/N, gotta give me something to work with here,” Yoongi snarls, his hips bucking against yours and his speed increasing. You moan against Tae’s cock, pulling away from him, to move your hips instead, with Yoongi’s rhythm.

Tae pumps himself, but that isn’t enough for him. He has to have you. “Yoongi, let me have a turn with her.”

Yoongi pulls you up by your shoulders to sit on his lap, his cock still thrusting up into you. “You’re going to let him touch you huh? Such a little whore you are, wanting two men at once, what a little cockslut.” 

You moan and nod at his words, rapping your arms around his neck. “Oh my god, Yoongi, I am! I’m so horny for both of you! I want both of your pretty cocks in me, I want both of you. You feel so good.”

“Yes, darling, you get everything you want. I’ll give you my cock and you’ll take it like the slut you are. Such a dirty, pretty little slut you are,” Tae whispers in your ear from behind you, in that deep voice of his. You nod franticly, Yoongi filling you up so good already, you can’t prepare yourself for what Tae will ofter.

He doesn’t wait for you to adjust to his size, he shoves himself into your hole, immediately filling you up. You jolt forward into Yoongi’s chest, breathing suddenly halted from the foreign feeling.

“Let me continue?” Tae asks, already thrusting though. You moan, long an draw out, mumbling incoherently to yourself.

Both you, Yoongi, and Tae are nearing your climaxes, already teased enough and just restraining yourselves from cumming.

“Its alright if you cum dear, I want my pretty little slut to cum for me,” Yoongi moans out, the pace of his cock erratic and lazy into you.

“Yes, yes, please let me cum, I need to!”

“Then do it,” Tae says, his kisses trailing down your damp, quivering spine. You tighten around both Yoongi and Tae, this feeling of almost painful spikes of energy through you.

“Oh you look so beautiful when you cum, you always do,” Yoongi says, kissing your sweaty forehead, moaning and sending his last bits of release deep within you. He starts to pull out, while Tae continues to thrust out his last moments of his high, into your hole. You collapse onto your chest without Yoongi there to support your heavy limbs. Soon Tae pulls his body away from you too, leaving you sprawled on the couch, catching up on your breathing.

“You like sharing yourself with Tae?” Yoongi asks, crouching beside the couch next to your face. Your eyes flutter open to look at his flushed face, and you smile.

“Can we do it again sometime?” you ask, “it felt so good.”

Yoongi laughs at you, looking over to see Tae dressing. Tae just shrugs, “we’ll have to see what happens next time I walk in on you two.”

I don’t think I’ll be taking many more 3-way requests for a while, they’re hard to write and kinda awkward, but I really liked the idea for this one. [sorry mom]